Case Study.


Winning in a Crowded Primary

Oregon 2 Republican Primary 2020

  • Cliff Bentz defeats 10 other opponents

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The Problem.

An Uphill Battle

State Senator Cliff Bentz faced an uphill battle in a crowded primary against 10 better-known and better-funded candidates. Other candidates in the race included the former Republican nominee for Governor, a well-known businessman and another member of the State Senate. Cliff Bentz was ultimately outspent 8-1.


Precise Targeting, Online and in the Mailbox

Oregon’s Second District consists of 6 DMAs. Facing a cash disadvantage, Arena implemented precise targeting online and in the mailbox, and provided additional reach to Republican primary voters in areas where the campaign was not able to spend on television. Arena’s industry-leading targeting and relationships with numerous digital platforms allowed us to focus on high-propensity Republican primary voters who would respond to the Bentz for Congress message.

In addition to our industry-leading targeting, our unique and high-quality designs helped deliver victory for Bentz. Our experienced in-house design team was able to produce creative concepts that allowed us to deliver a clear message to voters with limited campaign resources.


Secured the Nomination by nine percent

Arena was proud to partner with Bentz for Congress and leveraged our experience and targeting capabilities online and in the mailbox to help Cliff Bentz secure the Republican nomination—defeating his closest competitor by 9%.


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